segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2016

The Creature is out... here and there

By the sunny blue sky no one would guess it's the dead of winter... yet it is. First weekend with the Creature fully legal and we concoct the thought of taking it somewhere postcard-like. Belém, what better? It was from Belém that, in the sixteenth century, caravels set sail to explore and discover the great unknown where there be dragons. Belém symbolizes the seafaring spirit of the Portuguese and epitomizes the Age of Discoveries. So too are we at the dawn of our own personal age of discoveries behind the wheels of a Tesla Model S 85D and Belém may well act as our departing point.
On a fine January Sunday, the place was, as it usually is, jam-packed with tourists but we nonetheless managed to find a spot for the momentous picture bemused upon hearing passers-by saying this must be some prototype or the latest German car (mind you, I'm the German part of the equation, not the car).
And the gazing... My was there gazing.
Off, off and away!

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